Verbs in English

Verb syntax

Το ρήμα αποτελεί έναν από τους πιο βασικούς όρους μιας πρότασης. Για τον λόγο αυτόν θα πρέπει να ξέρουμε τη σύνταξή του, δηλαδή, τι προηγείται και τι έπεται αυτού!
Ας δούμε μερικά από τα πιο βασικά ρήματα της Αγγλικής γλώσσας:

agree= συμφωνώ       He agreed to lend me his car.
refuse= αρνούμαι       Tina refused to help me with my project.
offer= προσφέρω        She offered to make me a cup of coffee.
promise= υπόσχομαι   My mother promised to go shopping tomorrow evening.
threaten= απειλώ       He threatened to reveal my secret if I didn't give the money.

admit= παραδέχομαι                    He admitted having drunk a lot.
deny= αρνούμαι                          Alicia denied breaking the computer screen.
apologize for= απολογούμαι για    She apologized for spoiling my plans.
insist on= επιμένω σε                   He insisted on washing the dishes.
accuse sb of= κατηγορώ για         She accused Kavin of hitting the baby.

admit      He admitted that he had revealed my secret.
deny       Lisa denied that she had used my car.
agree      She agreed that it was high time she introduced us to her boyfriend.
promise   Mum promised that she wouldn't punish me that time.
exclaim   They exclaimed that the view was magnificent.

*inform sb  The police officer informed us that an accident had been occurred at the train station.
*be informed   We were informed that the flight would be delayed.

inform sb about stg/ - ing   I informed my boss about being delayed/ my delay.
be informed about stg/ - ing    I am informed about using the new application/ the new application.


prefer    + to infinitive                             I prefer to go by taxi.
             + gerund (-ing ως ουσιαστικό)    I prefer shopping online.
             + that + clause           We prefer that our teachers have a Master’s degree in education.

Για να κάνω σύγκριση - τι προτιμώ περισσότερο χρησιμοποιώ την ακόλουθη σύνταξη:
prefer doing something to doing something else
e.g. I prefer travelling by train to sitting in a bus.


suggest + verb -ing [=Let's/ Προτροπή]
e.g. I suggest eating Italian tonight.
e.g. He suggested going to the cinema.

suggest (that) sb (should) do stg [Advice/ Συμβουλή]
e.g. The doctor suggested that Tom should cut down on fatty foods.
e.g. My mother suggests that I should eat more vegetables.

suggest + possessive adjective (my/ your/ his/ our) + gerund (- ing)
e.g. She suggested our seeing "The hunger Games".
* το ίδιο ισχύει και για το recommend (= προτείνω)
