ρήμα ενικού αριθμού= singular (is/was/has) με τις παρακάτω ομάδες ουσιαστικών:
1.Σχολικά μαθήματα = School subjects
maths, physics, economics, politics, English
e.g. My favorite school subject is physics.
e.g. Maths has always caused confusion to me.
2.Παιχνίδια –
Επιτραπέζια = Games – Board Games
billiards, dominoes, darts, draughts
e.g.Billiards is my chief recreation.
3.Ασθένειες –
αρρώστιες = Illnesses
measles= ιλαρά,
mumps=παρωτίτιδα , AIDS, diabetes, cancer etc.
e.g. Because of the anti-vaccination movement measles is
making a comeback in the US.
4.Με τα μη μετρήσιμα
ουσιαστικά - Uncountable Nouns όπως:
- Είδη φαγητού: spaghetti, yogurt, cheese, flour, rice, butter, meat etc
- Υγρά: water, coffee, lemonade, cola, soda, juice, oil, petrol, tea etc.
- Υλικά: silver, wood, crystal, plastic, porcelain etc.
- Αφηρημένα ουσιαστικά: freedom, love, relationship, justice, beauty, help, education, knowledge etc.
- Άλλα: news, advice, information, weather, furniture, luggage, baggage, hair, research, rubbish, litter, accommodation, behavior, equipment, fun etc.
e.g. Cheese contains more calcium than milk.
e.g. Petrol is running low while the time passes by.
e.g. The advice you gave me was proven really useful.
e.g. The weather is beautiful today.
e.g. My hair isn’t dyed.
e.g. The rubbish is deposited to the landfills.
e.g. The news is rather hopeful.
5.Ουσιαστικά σε
πληθυντικό αριθμό όταν αναφέρονται σε:
χρηματικό ποσό (amount of money),χρονική περίοδο (period of time), βάρος (weight), απόσταση (distance)
e.g. 500 pounds was donated to build a new hospital wing.
e.g. Two weeks’ notice is too short for me to have the
project done.
6.Ουσιαστικά σε πληθυντικό αριθμό όπως:
jury=ένορκοι,family, team, group, crew, crowd, class, audience, committee=επιτροπή,
council=συμβούλιο, army, club=λέσχη, press=τύπος, government, company etc.
όταν λαμβάνονται ως ένα ενιαίο σύνολο-ομάδα.
Ωστόσο, μπορούν να λάβουν ρήμα σε πληθυντικό στην περίπτωση που θέλουμε να
δώσουμε έμφαση στα μέλη της κάθε ομάδας.
e.g.The jury is ready to give the verdict. (the jury as a
e.g.The jury are all staying silent during the trial. (the
individual members of the jury)
ρήμα πληθυντικού αριθμού=plural (are/were/have) με:
1.Ουσιαστικά όπως:
people, police, stairs=σκαλιά,
(good) looks=εμφάνιση/ομορφιά, surroundings, outskirts, premises, earnings, wages, cattle=βοοειδή,
e.g. The cattle are fed twice a day.
e.g. The earnings of the company are going to triple this year.
2.Ουσιαστικά-αντικείμενα που αποτελούνται από δύο τμήματα:
trousers, jeans, shorts, binoculars, shoes, gloves, pyjamas,
tights, glasses, earring, socks, scissors etc.
e.g. The scissors are in the first drawer.
Πολλές φορές προσδιορίζω
τα παραπάνω ουσιαστικά με τη λέξη «ζευγάρι»
e.g. I was given a pair of gloves as present.
e.g. I need to buy a new pair of shoes.
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