Phrasal Verbs with Come


Come across= find/meet/discover sb/stg by chance = βρίσκω/συναντώ τυχαία 
While sorting out my stuff, I came across these old photos of mine.

Come round
1.visit casually= επισκέπτομαι συχνά 
I’ll come around later and see how you are.
2.recover consciousness= ανακτώ τις αισθήσεις μου 
She hasn’t come around from the hangover yet.
3. change one's point of view  
After her strong arguments, I came round to her point of view.

Come along
1. go somewhere with someone = συνοδεύω κάποιον κάπου
Denise decided to come along with me to watch the match.
2. arrive, appear=φτάνω/εμφανίζομαι
If a better job opportunity comes along, be determined to seize it.
3. improve, develop or make progress=βελτιώνομαι/σημειώνω πρόοδο 
How's your mother coming along since her surgery?
4. hurry up=βιάσου  Come along, dad! The train is about to leave!

Come by
1. get/find st rare=παίρνω/βρίσκω κάτι σπάνιο 
Good jobs are hard to come by.
2. make a short visit=επισκέπτομαι κάποιον 
I’ll come by the house and get my stuff later, OK?

Come down with (flu)= become sick with=αρρωσταίνω 
I think I’m coming down with a cold. I feel weak and a bit warm.

Come in = become fashionable=γίνεται της μόδας 
Trainers really became popular in the 1980s, when casual sportswear came in.

Come into (fortune/debts) = inherit=κληρονομώ
She’ll come into quite a lot of money when her father dies.

Come out
1. be published=δημοσιεύω  
When is the sequel of the book coming out?
2. (photos) be developed=εμφανίζω φωτογραφίες  
The wedding photos have come out really well.
3. make my sexual preferences clear or known=γνωστοποιώ τη σεξουαλικότητά μου  
That summer, I decided to come out to my parents.
4. (news/truth) be reveal = (ειδήσεις/αλήθεια)= αποκαλύπτονται 
The news of his involvement in the scandal, 
came out all of a sudden. 

Come to = amount to a total=(ποσοστό) ανέρχομαι σε 
The bill came to $48.50.

Come up against
(problem/difficulty) arise/happen unexpectedly = (πρόβλημα/δυσκολία) προκύπτει/συμβαίνει ξαφνικά 
The same problems come up against our relationship every time. 

Come up
(subject) arise/mention= αναφέρω ένα θέμα 
The subject of salaries didn’t come up at the last week’s meeting.

Come up with (an idea/plan)=produce a plan or idea=συλλαμβάνω μια ιδέα/σχέδιο I came up with the new commercial while playing with my daughter. 
