Relative Pronouns 8.12.19 pronouns +6 relative clauses relative pronouns that which who whom whose αναφορικές αντωνυμίες αντωνυμίες pronouns relative clauses relative pronouns that which who whom whose αναφορικές αντωνυμίες αντωνυμίες
This/these, that/those 25.9.18 demonstrative +7 diktikes antonimies pronouns show that these this those δεικτικές αντωνυμίες demonstrative diktikes antonimies pronouns show that these this those δεικτικές αντωνυμίες
Verbs in English 17.12.15 gerund prefer +3 recommend suggest that to infinitive verb gerund prefer recommend suggest that to infinitive verb
Relative Clauses 22.3.15 adverbs pronouns +9 relative clauses relative pronouns that which who who.which whom whose αναφορικές αντωνυμίες αναφορικές προτάσεις adverbs pronouns relative clauses relative pronouns that which who who.which whom whose αναφορικές αντωνυμίες αναφορικές προτάσεις